Filmmaker R Balakrishnan, popularly known as Balki, says the aim of Indian movies must be to entertain their audiences with good content, rather than constantly trying to vie for the Academy Awards. (Also Read: Wish I Had Met Dhanush Earlier: R Balki)
Balki, acclaimed for directing movies like Cheeni Kum and Paa, was present at the Rotary Club of Bombay's WOW District Conference 2015, when he was asked whether he felt that his next film Shamitabh could make the cut for Oscars.
He stated, "I firmly believe that the goal of a film is not whether it reaches the Oscars or not, because I don't think they (the jury at Oscars) understand a lot of things we do. I just believe that our films should be damn good for us.
"Why is our benchmark reaching the Oscars? Why isn't our benchmark that what we think is damn good.”
Citing the example of the 1977 film Amar Akbar Anthony, he said, "There are fantastic movies, can you imagine a film that entertained us phenomenally, which is like say Amar Akbar Anthony. I mean why shouldn't it reach the Oscars?
"I would rather not have one Oscar, and instead have five Amar Akbar Anthony movies."
Balki, who was also a part of the ad world, said he was often asked where India stood according to world standards.
His answer was, "We are far away from the world standard. The world cannot understand us. The Oscars need to understand us, we don't have to try to make it to the Oscars."
Balki's next film, Shamitabh, will hit the screens on Friday. It stars Amitabh Bachchan, Dhanush and debutante Akshara Haasan in the lead roles.
This Article is From Feb 04, 2015
Would Rather Have 5 Amar Akbar Anthonys Than an Oscar, Says R Balki
- Indo-Asian News Service
- Bollywood
Feb 04, 2015 14:36 pm IST
Published On Feb 04, 2015 13:19 pm IST
Last Updated On Feb 04, 2015 14:36 pm IST
Balki's Shamitabh will hit the screens on February 6