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Planet of the Apes (1968)

In the final scene, Charlton Heston discovers the ruined Statue of Liberty. The planet run by apes was Earth all along

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Fight Club (1999)

You don't talk about Fight Club – but you can absolutely talk about how the narrator (Ed Norton) and Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) are the same person

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The Sixth Sense (1999)

Haley Joel Osment sees dead people and that's the clue – turns out, Bruce Willis' child psychologist is actually a ghost

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The Others (2001)

Nicole Kidman and kids can't leave home because of their health. They suspect the house if haunted – but turn out to be the ones haunting it

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Psycho (1960)

Norman Bates's overbearing mother is not the killer. Norman is, in the persona of his mother. What's more, mom is dead as well – and mummified

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Gone Girl (2014)

Ben Affleck is suspected of killing his wife, played by Rosamund Pike. Only, she faked her death and framed him for murder

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Scream (1996)

Not only was the main character's boyfriend not dead, he and his best friend were the murderers in this cult slasher film

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The Usual Suspects (1995)

Roger Kint (Kevin Spacey) is the only survivor of a heist gone wrong, masterminded by the mysterious Keyser Soze. The twist – Roger is Keyser

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Parasite (2019)

A poor family infiltrates a rich one as domestic help and discover a secret bunker. The twist is when the dad, supposed to be on the run, is revealed to be in the bunker

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Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

There was worldwide shock when this superhero film ended with most of the superheroes and half the world being wiped by a snap of the villain fingers

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