time Kylie twinned
with Stormi


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Kylie Jenner is no stranger to doling her daughter up in matching clothes as hers.


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Kylie made sure that Stormi's first Halloween was the cutest as they both dressed up in matching butterfly costumes


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Festivals are a popular choice for Kylie to twin with Stormi. For Christmas, they dressed up in bedazzled outfits.


Neon is probably Kylie's favourite colour and she leaves no opportunity to rub it off on her daughter Stormi as well.


Even when Kylie is casually playing dress up with Stormi at home, it is always in cute matching outfits. 


Stormi is a mini globetrotter and when the family celebrated Kylie's birthday in Italy, Stormi dressed up just like mommy.


Christmas Eve is literally just another to day for Kylie and Stormi to dress up in matching PJs for Christmas kisses.


Nothing's more adorable than Kylie and Stormi's matching custom Ralph & Russo outfits for Christmas last year. 


Honestly, there is no better excuse for Kylie than to just be at home and play dress up with Stormi all day, every day! 


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